Human Resources

“Many hands make light work” is what I always say. We can make a bigger difference if we pool our skill set and energy for labor. We can make the work itself easier on ourselves, provide a more healthy environment to craft our art, an environment free from abuse and hierarchy. At the time of writing, I see a need for

  • An organizer or organizers: project management is an important and valuable aspect of tech work. Keeping track of what needs done when is a task that needs dedication and attention, and frankly one I’m not capable of while I’m also on a code sprint or focusing on fixing a bug. Someone who has experience organizing, especially in a consensus-based governance structure or in activist circles is crucial to this project.
  • More admins: if you’re familiar with self-hosting and/or building web infrastructure with Docker, Nix, or other similar technologies, feel free to lend a hand
  • More developers: If you have experience with PHP, CSS, Javascript, Go, Python, Rust, or something else related to the services we offer, you’ll find a home here!
  • People with other skills: there’s a lot of work that goes into running a business, such as administration, accounting, etc. If you have any skill which you think could help us or just are interested in what we’re doing and don’t necessarily see a way to help right away, get in contact anyway!

If you’re interested in helping out, or just want to chat with people who are interested or involved, you can find our contact info here. You may also be interested in our monetization strategy and governance model.

Before we can get started

Before we can really get started, we need to:

  • Recruit an adequate amount of collaborators.
  • Agree upon the bylaws
  • Incorporate the organization
  • Set up accounting and banking
  • Set up fund-raising platforms
  • Build internal tooling
    • Password Manager
    • This web site
    • Nexcloud
      • with Nextcloud Office
    • Git server (gitea or gitlab Forgejo)
    • Project management software (gitlab or…?)
  • Define processes for our standard services

Continuing needs

As we grow and build we will always need

  • Financial support
  • Technology: compute, bandwidth, storage, etc.

Any donations will always be greatly appreciated. Anti-capitalist organizations like those we will be supporting will always be afforded few resources by the capitalist, hierarchical hegemony. The more resources provided to us by the general public, the more resources we can provide to those who are unable to pay our standard service fees, while also ensuring our needs are met.